Grading Success

Grading Success for the Long Eaton Tetsudo Club 12 students from the Long Eaton Tetsudo Club took part in the associations first grading of the year (for six of them it would be their first experience of such an event) As can be seen with their smiles and their new belts/tags, all were successful in their grading attempt. Their success was down to many months and in some cases years of hard work, focus and dedication. Childrens Grading:
Beth Newman = Yellow Tag
Lewis Simmons = Yellow Tag
Theo Trelenberg = Yellow Tag
Jack Stewart = Yellow Tag
Faye Stewart = Yellow Tag
Elia Borgi = Yellow Tag
Don Smith = Green Tag
George Munks = Green Tag
Flynt Adcock = Green Tag
George Smith = Green Belt
Harry Smith = Green Belt
Adults Grading:
Rachel Wilson = Blue Belt
Congratulations to Rachel, on her fantastic achievement!